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Ideas for Marketing Your Commercial Construction Company

commercial construction company marketing

Nothing drives more customers to a commercial construction business than an effective marketing strategy. In this day and age, the best way to reach potential customers is through online advertisements and social media advertising. Leveraging these digital tools can help your business grow financially and increase its visibility. Reading about some imaginative ways to use these resources can help you create high-quality promotional content. Read on to learn six different ideas for marketing your commercial construction company.

1. SEO Content Strategies

Learning how to optimize a search engine results page (SERP) is one of the best ways to increase your business’s visibility. Creating SEO content for a website promotes recognition in a search engine’s algorithm, allowing users to find it more easily on the results pages. To drive more traffic to your website, it’s helpful for you to design a variety of different SEO content.

2. Paid Google Advertising

If you’re still struggling to get user hits after creating new website content, you might benefit from using Paid Google Ads. These ads can appear on Google search results pages, driving more traffic to a website. They can also allow you to provide a convenient click-to-call button, allowing customers to reach out quickly. Paid Google Ads also provide a variety of payment options to match your business’s budgeting needs.

3. Social Media

Social media is another incredibly powerful tool for promoting your commercial construction company. Maintaining active profiles on a variety of social media platforms is a good way to increase customer awareness of the company’s brand. If you want to increase your online engagement, you benefit from hiring a dedicated social media manager to run these accounts.

4. Website Optimization

Optimized websites get more traffic than non-optimized ones. To create an optimized website, you can enroll in a website design course or hire a dedicated professional to create streamlined web content. You might also research the websites of other construction businesses that appear at the top of SERPs. To increase your company’s visibility, mirroring the style of sites that perform well is an effective strategy.

5. Stunning Visuals

To attract more online users, it’s important for you to create visual website content. This can be an effective way to encourage customers to stay on your website, while also promoting your business practices. To include visual content, it can be a good idea for you to try out some different types of design software. You can also hire a dedicated designer to make icons, logos, and background images.

6. Email Campaigns

Using email capture devices on your website is another good way to market your commercial construction company. After your construction company collects email addresses from the site’s visitors, you can prepare email campaigns that promote different services. Running these campaigns allows you to release surveys to collect data and reach specific groups of clients. There are many ways to promote your business in the digital age, so it’s helpful to combine a variety of different techniques. Here at LMH, we offer professional website design services and other types of marketing support. Contact us online today to find the best marketing solutions for your commercial construction company.

How to Get More Leads for Your Foundation Repair Business

foundation repair SEO tips

Do you want to know what the foundation of your foundation repair business is? While the appropriate materials and equipment are important, thoughtful marketing efforts can help you build a loyal client base. Below are some of the most effective ways to get leads for your foundation repair business.

Perfect Your SEO

Perfecting your foundation repair business’ SEO is one of the most affordable ways to increase your business’ leads. While it generally takes four to six months to see improvements in SEO, this method produces long-term results. Some businesses choose to have in-house team members make adjustments to their websites’ SEO, while others hire outside agencies to do it for them.

Improving a website’s SEO may involve implementing the proper keywords. You can start by researching which keywords draw the most website traffic in your area. Your results may lead you to incorporate keywords like “foundation repair near me,” “foundation contractor,” and “house foundation repair” into your website. Perfecting your website’s SEO may also involve making the meta titles and descriptions more concise. You may adjust the meta titles’ and descriptions’ length and include calls to action to increase their effectiveness.

Invest in Paid Google Ads

Investing in paid Google Ads is another way that foundation repair businesses can get more leads. Paid Google Ads produce more instant results, and they help your business compete with local ones in your area. With Google Ads, you can quantitatively measure the success of your campaigns and control how much or how little your business spends on advertising.

Post on Social Media

Make it a goal for your foundation repair business to stay active on social media. You can work across various accounts and commit to a consistent posting schedule so that you can properly engage with existing and potential clients. Experiment with different kinds of content, including brief text posts and short video clips. Be sure to define your brand voice so that your clients know exactly what business is behind your witty posts.

Optimize Your Website

Another way to get more leads for your website is to optimize it for your users. For example, you may consider converting a single webpage into multiple web pages that are easier for your visitors to digest. Instead of having all of your services and company information on one webpage, you may make separate pages like “Foundation Repair,” “Sinkhole Remediation,” and “Soil Stabilization,” depending on what services your company offers.

As you start to optimize your website, you can consider changing the font type and size to increase your website’s readability. Whatever visuals you include, be sure that they’re of high-quality and can load quickly whenever a user lands on your website. You can also cater to mobile users by incorporating responsive links and a fast page load speed.

As you grow your foundation repair business, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques. These techniques can help you stay ahead of your competitors, maintain a loyal client base, and become a reputable company in your area.

10 Marketing Tips for Home Contractors

marketing tips for contractors

As a home contractor, you provide a wide range of services to your clients. Marketing a business can be challenging, but learning to advertise services online can help home contractors like you find a long-term customer base. Here are ten marketing tips that you can implement for business success.

1. Understand the Intended Audience

Before beginning the process, it’s important for you to understand your target audience to maximize a marketing campaign’s impact. Some strategies include identifying customer demographics and determining the business’ specialization in the industry, like carpentry or painting.

2. Optimize the Website

You can also generate a larger audience by optimizing the business’ website. It’s important to have a website that’s easy to navigate with accessible language, so you can communicate key information to users. Websites are also a great way to begin your online presence, which supplements other marketing efforts.

3. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines like Google use an algorithm to rank websites on search engine results pages (SERPs). When a website has a high ranking, more users find it when searching for local contractors. Different SEO strategies include adding keywords to your website, producing content consistently, and creating a website that functions on mobile devices.

4. Implement Paid Google Ads

Paid Google Ads are another helpful marketing method for you to use. They provide a way to advertise services to your new customers on different websites through Google searches. By determining a budget for these advertisements, you can ensure they’re worth the effort and cost.

5. Use Social Media

You can also increase your business’s social media presence to engage with customers and promote your services. There are several social media sites, so it’s important to have a presence on each platform. This can increase audience size and generate new leads.

6. Connect With Previous Customers

Your business can benefit from connecting with previous customers to build a long-term clientele. Past customers may have new home service needs or might know someone who could benefit from the same services. So, building these relationships can allow your company to preserve the current audience and gain new referrals.

7. Create Videos

Creating videos can increase your website’s SERP rankings and generate interest, increasing website traffic. Making high-quality videos that demonstrate your services and personality can help you better connect with viewers.

8. Highlight Employees

Highlighting employees is a way to gain the trust of the audience. By showcasing individuals, users can understand your business’ value system. Appealing to users’ emotions can increase trust in your services.

9. Include Feedback

Adding customers’ feedback to your website or account is another way to boost your marketing efforts. Feedback can provide new customers with more information about contracting services and address any hesitations or concerns. Including feedback also demonstrates how a contractor maintains professional relationships with previous clients.

10. Use Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns allow you to share information with a specific audience. You can use this method to stay in contact with previous customers or provide relevant information to interested parties. These emails can also contain advertisements for deals or special offers. Implementing these ten tips can improve your company’s marketing efforts, no matter your trade. Electricians, plumbers, and landscapers alike can benefit from increasing their marketing efforts. Check out our blog today to find more helpful marketing tips.

How to Get Started with Law Firm Marketing

Effective law firm marketing requires an active online presence and thoughtfully designed campaigns. 

Lawyers must carefully balance their ethical and legal responsibilities with effective advertising to maintain profitability and growth. A well-designed website, carefully researched SEO, and an active social media presence set the stage for powerful organic outreach. 

Complement these with strategic paid advertisements and positive testimonials for a well-rounded approach to your law firm’s marketing goals.

Create a Clean Website

law firm website services Texas - LMH Agency

Your law firm’s website is like its virtual office. Visitors want to find a clean, organized space and will generally turn away from anything gaudy, confusing, or poorly maintained. Create a clean website by addressing:

Usability: Keep your law firm’s phone number at the top of the page at all times and include a CTA above the fold.

Organization: Build content silos around different topics, such as areas of practice.

Minimalism: Keep each page simple with a neat navigation bar rather than a plethora of banners and links.

Branding: Select a three-color palette, two typefaces, and a logo to represent the law firm. Use these consistently through all marketing materials.

Optimization: Work with a team who understands local SEO optimization to ensure you’re making the most of your website

Incorporate Local SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of building a website that will rank highly on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

This involves strategies like using the right keywords and providing informative content. For a law firm, it’s best to target keywords that identify both the specific legal services and the service area. This means thoughtfully crafting content throughout the site so it naturally uses phrases like “personal injury lawyer in Orlando” or “bankruptcy lawyer in Chicago.” Creating and maintaining a Google Business Profile will help with SEO as well.

The law industry presents some unique challenges when it comes to creating content. Lawyers must adhere to legal and ethical standards. There are strict rules on what a law firm can and can’t say. 

Working with an experienced marketing agency familiar with legal SEO can help your business safely navigate these potential hazards.

Create a Social Media Presence

Facebook alone has over 2.9 billion monthly active users. Maintaining an active presence on social sites can help law firms engage with the community and reach new potential clients. 

This is an effective platform for forming connections and building awareness of your firm’s legal services. Through social media marketing, you can offer ongoing support using informative posts, thoughtful answers, and helpful referrals to the services that will help your clients most.

Use Paid Ads

Paid ads can boost your law firm’s website to the top of relevant search results. Companies can bid for prime ad placement and pay-per-click or per-thousand impressions. 

This is a helpful complement to organic SEO. As with all search engine strategies, it’s important to research and target the right keywords. Your law firms may also invest in paid ads on social media.Having a knowledgeable legal marketing agency on hand can make it much easier for your law firm to launch its advertising campaign. LMH Agency offers custom marketing services tailored to suit the legal industry and its strict standards.

Key Automotive Marketing Strategies for Success

Competition is stiff in automotive marketing, with companies eagerly vying for each precious dollar that consumers will spend. 

It’s crucial for businesses in this space to practice thoughtful marketing strategies. They need to be sure to use the right keywords, service locations, and communication features. Successful automotive marketing requires both solid search engine rankings and intuitive website navigation so customers not only click but also convert.

Search Engine Optimization

Proper SEO helps land automotive businesses at the top of SERPs (search engine results pages). 

Results on page one garner 95% of search traffic and an average CTR of 208%. This means that users click not once but twice on these links. 

Target the most relevant keywords for the industry and locale to earn these coveted rankings. Successful keywords are typically phrases that combine services and locations like “used cars in Spokane” or “Chicago transmission repair.” Maintaining an accurate and detailed Google Business Profile will help improve your local SEO as well.

Paid Advertising

A properly managed paid advertising campaigns can boost your automotive website into coveted paid spots at the top of SERPs. 

When purchasing paid advertising, it’s crucial to select the right keywords. You need to consider both the keywords you want to target and those that you want to avoid. Known as negative keywords, the terms and phrases that a company excludes from advertising are more important than many people realize.

Negative keywords are those that are similar but irrelevant. For example, an automotive company that doesn’t handle auto body repair may want to exclude “auto body repairs” so as not to waste money on clicks that won’t convert. You must specify this type of exclusion since “auto” and “repairs” may both be relevant and therefore trigger your company’s advertising.

Web Design

Proper web design ensures that prospective customers can find everything they need quickly and easily upon visiting your automotive company’s page. Clean and effective web design includes:

  • SEO optimization
  • Contact information at the top of every page
  • Details on all services provided
  • Consistent branding including the appropriate logo, colors, and typography
  • Engaging photos, particularly for vehicles that are on sale
  • Clear and actionable CTAs on each page
  • Live chat or call features so visitors can immediately get in contact with the company

Customer Reviews

Car dealership marketing tips

Customer reviews are a valuable feature on your company’s website as well as third-party sites like Google Business Profiles and Facebook. 

Positive reviews are especially useful for automotive marketing due to the industry’s undeserved reputation for providing pushy or untrustworthy service. 

Reviews can go a long way toward establishing your business’ legitimacy. Consider sending a thank you postcard with a QR code for submitting a review or delivering follow-up emails with the appropriate review link after the customer makes a purchase.

Expert assistance can help automotive companies climb above the pack and stand out in this crowded space. LMH Agency offers tailored marketing solutions including SEO, paid advertising, social media marketing, website design, and automated review management. 

With the right marketing strategies, your automotive business can more effectively reach those valuable leads that will convert to paying customers.

Beyond Basic: 15 Fresh Social Media Tips for 2022

The digital landscape continues to change, with new social media platforms and recommendations popping up regularly. You can grow your social media accounts by following some fresh tips and turning followers into leads.

Tailor Your Content

It’s essential to tailor the content you share to your target audience. Increase engagement by encouraging people to share and respond to tailored posts.

social media content

Understand Instagram Saves

Instagram now allows users to save content they like and come back to it later, so make sure you understand the benefit of saving and encourage users to save what you share. Don’t forget to look into the value of Instagram guides as well.

Try Different Content Styles

Although high-quality, curated content is vital, that’s not the only thing you can share. Experiment with different types of content, from engaging videos to memes and GIFs, to see what your audience likes best.

Work with Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers have loyal fan bases, typically between 10,000 and 50,000 followers. Working with a micro-influencer can increase your reach while fitting into your marketing budget. 

Test Ad Options 

Most social media platforms have ads, and you can and should make paid ads part of your social media strategy. When placing ads, test different styles and platforms to see what works best. 

Avoid the Hard Sell

Whether you manage a social media account for a business in the legal, automotive, or home services industry, it’s best to stay away from hard-selling on this platform. Focus on building relationships and instilling trust rather than always selling.

Establish a Brand Voice

Authenticity and consistency are fundamental to social media users, so establish your brand voice and adhere to it.

Ask for Feedback

Encouraging followers to engage with your content boosts your social media rankings and gives you helpful information to adjust your strategy. Ask for feedback on at least some of the content you post to find out what resonates.

Optimize Visuals for Mobile

Most social media users are on mobile devices. Optimize your visual content accordingly.

Go Live

Research suggests that live video will make up 17% of all internet traffic by the end of 2023. Be part of this growth by regularly going live on your social media platforms.

Join Groups

Engaging with the community on social media helps you reach a wider audience. Join relevant groups on various platforms and be part of discussions within them.

Offer Customer Support

Social media has become a valuable customer support tool, minimizing the need for customers to call or email a business. Make your brand more enticing to those who don’t want to make a phone call. 

Always Listen

Social listening involves staying current on how your target audience is communicating and what topics are most important. Use the information you glean to improve and adjust your strategy.

Use Short Videos

Short-form videos are popular among users of all ages. Keep your video content brief and engaging.

Request User-Generated Content 

Creating and using hashtags can help your social media presence grow, especially since they encourage user-generated content. When real people post about a business positively, it helps build credibility and support.

Apply these simple social media tips to your strategy and watch your presence and engagement levels grow. You can solve your digital marketing struggles by implementing a few changes, regardless of what platforms you use.

21 SEO Essentials for Every Piece of Content

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a frequently-used term that not everyone understands. The fundamental goal of SEO is to generate web traffic to your website via search engines and other free promotional methods rather than through paid advertising. If you want to improve your website’s SEO results, this checklist of 21 essential content components is a simple tool to help you optimize every post you create.

1. High-Quality Content

Consistently publish well-written, high-quality content relevant to your business.

2. Long-Form Content

Long-form content, generally referring to content over 2,000 words, offers valuable information to readers and can improve a site’s search engine ranking.

3. Evergreen Content

Create valuable content that stays relevant over time, such as tips, how-to processes, FAQs, and checklists.

4. User Experience

seo essentials

Incorporate simple navigation and the ability to search on your website to provide the best possible user experience.

5. Internal Links

Link to related internal topics on your site to help search engine bots find and rank your content.

6. Optimized URLs

Optimize URLs by creating short, clear page names that include the primary keyword.

7. Title and Subheadings

Your title and first sentence must capture your readers’ attention and inspire them to continue reading. Use H2 and H3 subheadings to break up your content and engage a reader’s interest.

8. Images

Create eye-catching graphics that supplement the information and add descriptive alt text to images to boost SEO.

9. Keyword Research

keyword research

Don’t assume you know the best keywords for your topic. Take time to conduct keyword research.

10. Primary Keyword

Use your primary keyword within the first two paragraphs and once in a subheading. Only use the primary keyword three to five times in the body to avoid keyword stuffing.

11. Secondary Keywords

While researching keywords, find two or three relevant low-competition keywords as secondary keywords. Use three or four secondary keywords in your content and once in a subheading.

12. Long-Tail Keyword

Use one long-tail keyword that contains over three words and has less search volume and competition than the primary keyword.

13. Outbound Links

Add a few outbound links in your content to reputable noncompetitor websites. These outbound links add value and depth to text for your readers and help them develop trust in you by providing a source of more information that readers can explore.

14. Backlinks

Get backlinks to your content from industry leaders and other related businesses.

15. Authority

Build your site’s authority by sharing accurate, well-written content with reputable sources.

16. Conclusion

Close articles with a powerful conclusion and a call to action.

17. Mobile Friendly

mobile-friendly seo

Design your site for cross-platform functionality and mobile access.

18. Site Speed

Analyze your site speed and boost site performance as much as possible, even if it requires a simplified design.

19. Social Sharing

Make it easy for visitors to share your pages with prominent social sharing buttons.

20. Meta Description

Create a 150- to 160-character-optimized meta description using your primary keyword.

21. Schema Markup

Add schema markup with Google’s free Structured Data Markup Helper tool.

Whether your business focuses on home services, legal, or automotive, the experts at LMH can improve your organic SEO results and optimize your paid advertising tactics, including pay-per-click (PPC) and social media ads. Schedule a free consultation to identify how we can help improve your website’s performance.

15 Simple Website Color Schemes and Moodboards

Website Color Schemes and Moodboards

Color is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to your website design. It can be used to attract the attention of new customers, express depth, drive conversions, and even earn a customer’s loyalty. Good color choices require careful planning and a strategic eye. When done correctly, your colors can influence how your website and brand are interpreted as high quality (along with a simple layout and great copy).

So why is color so important in website design?

Color helps us to process and store images and feelings differently, and having a cohesive theme across your branding can help increase recognition and assert your business as best in class. 

Fundamentals of Color

Here’s a quick breakdown of the fundamental basics of color emotions in your branding to help you understand how to be intentional with your design so you can optimize results in your home services or local business. 

  • Greens: Bring a sense of soothing, calm, and reassurance. Signifies wealth, growth, and prosperity. 
  • Oranges: Evoke energy, desire, warmth, and confidence
  • Yellows: Promote enlightening, abundance, clarity, optimism
  • Reds: Evoke passion, commands attention, courage, urgency
  • Blacks: Bring a sense of sophistication, power, formality, mystery 
  • Grays: Promote balance, neutrality, security, authority, maturity 
  • Whites: Evoke freshness, hope, goodness, light, cleanliness
  • Golds: Bring a sense of wealth, success, generosity, wisdom, and charisma
  • Browns: Promote stability, reliability, organic, rootedness

Example Color Schemes for Your Business

Here are 17 excellent choices for color schemes that can help transform your website into a powerful, trustworthy source of inspiration for your customers. 

Bold Color Choices for Success

If you want to make a statement on your website and in your social media branding, bold colors with deep notes will strike the right cord. Think in terms of contrasting golds and oranges with blues and greens.

  1. Bold Color Choices for Success
  2. Colorful Website Design Moodboard
  3. Moodboard for website color scheme featuring various color swatches
  4. Example of a website color scheme with complementary colors
  5. Website color scheme example showcasing different shades and hues

Muted Colors for a Quiet Confidence

Play on the earth tones of nature to exude a quiet, grounding confidence. This will resonate deeply with your customer’s inherent journey. 

  1. Muted color palette for a quiet and confident website design
  2. Soft and muted color scheme for a serene and understated web design
  3. Subdued color palette for a calm and professional website design
  4. Professional color palette for a polished and sophisticated website design
  5. Neutral color palette for a clean and modern website design

Blues and Greens for Wealth, Credibility, and Trust

If a calm sense of tranquility, integrity, and wisdom is what you’d like to convey, then opt for a color palette that provides a foundation of blues and greens with a pop of contrast. 

  1. Website color scheme in blues and greens symbolizing wealth, credibility, and trust
  2. Blue and green color palette for a harmonious and trustworthy website design
  3. Website color scheme featuring blues and greens for a professional and trustworthy design
  4. Blue and green color palette for a calm and trustworthy website design
  5. Website color scheme with shades of blue and green

Interested in designing a website to draw in clients? Get in touch with us to see how  LMH Agency can help customize your website as you scale your business. 

Law Firm Marketing Strategy: 20 Tactics to Grow Your Business

A well-developed law firm marketing strategy is essential for generating more leads. Here are 20 tactics that can help your firm grow its business.

SEO for car dealerships

1. Improve YOUR Website’s EAT Score

To determine website rankings, Google assesses each website’s EAT score, which assesses its authority in a field and expertise on relevant topics. Adding case studies, positive client reviews, and awards may improve your law firm’s score, proving its reliability to potential clients.

2. Use Google Ads

Google Ads campaigns involve running targeted campaigns that display your law firm’s website at the top of the results page for certain target demographics and keyword searches.

3. Create Landing Pages

Make optimized landing pages about your firm’s services with compelling copy and clear calls to action. You can also use them to support a Google Ads campaign.

4. Build Backlinks

Use white-hat SEO methods to build backlinks that take a client from your law firm’s website to other websites containing their content, such as a social media account.

5. Join Legal Directories

Submit your website to reputable legal directories to create backlinks and help boost organic SEO.

6. Make Profiles

Create profiles through Google My Business and Bing Places to provide users with a snapshot of information about your firm.

7. Optimize for Mobile

Since many users rely on mobile devices for their searches, it’s essential to optimize your firm’s website for mobile browsing.

8. Use Social Media

Post regularly to your firm’s social media accounts to share relevant content with your audiences and engage with the legal community.

9. Gain More Referrals

Consider using platforms like LinkedIn to partner with related businesses, such as firms that offer different services than yours, to encourage referrals.

10. Add Live Chat

Add a live chat feature to your firm’s website with AI messaging so potential clients can contact the office staff more efficiently and ask questions.

11. Update Website Content

Update your website with new content often, such as news updates or SEO-friendly blogs.

12. Offer Gated Content

Entice users to provide contact information by offering access to special content, like a case study.

13. Optimize for Local Search

Optimize your firm’s website so it attracts users from the local area, generating organic traffic.

14. Try Geo-Specific Google Ads

Consider running a geo-specific Google Ads campaign that targets clients searching in a specific area.

15. Conduct Audience Research

Release regular surveys to clients so you can understand how to target new leads appropriately.

16. Use Video Marketing

YouTube is one of the top search engines in the world, and you can often benefit from uploading short videos that educate potential clients.

17. Incorporate PR Techniques

Develop public relations campaigns that use techniques like guest articles and interviews to drive traffic to your website.

18. Distribute a Newsletter

Send a newsletter to your clients regularly containing article links to the firm’s website.

19. Update Email Marketing Strategies

Leverage your email marketing strategy to target specific users, such as leads who previously engaged with any paid ads.

20. Optimize the Content

Research which keywords your clients commonly search to find related law firms, then incorporate them in future blog posts. Incorporating these tactics can help your law firm develop and implement a successful marketing strategy. Contact LMH Agency today with burning questions about marketing a law firm.